Why are recruiters still ballsing up candidate basics?
Recently I spent an hour talking about candidate tactics and mistakes on the Recruiters Hangout, hosted by my good friends at Colleagues Software.
It was a lively debate, described by Louise Triance, one of the organisers, like this;
This month’s google+ hangout was a corker. The subject was “Why are we still ballsing up recruiting basics with candidates?” and I think we had the most Twitter and webinar chatroom activity we’ve ever had. We were joined by Greg Savage, recruiter and author of blog site The Savage Truth. Our host, Alan Whitford, keep the conversation on track whilst Mark Stephens (Founder of the F10 Group) and Louis Welcomme (Colleague Software) also shared their thoughts. .
It was a really interesting hour and you can watch the hangout here:
Follow Greg Savage on his recruitment travels to the Czech Republic and the UK (and maybe a little RWC action too) on Instagram
- Posted by Greg Savage
- On October 7, 2015