This piece of advice changed a recruitment business forever
I quite often get emails and messages from people who have appreciated or acted on my advice.
I won’t lie to you, it’s gratifying when the experience you pass on, helps others.
Keeps me going to be honest.
But sometimes the impact of a little guidance is pivotal in a business, and so I decided to share this email with you, with permission of Elizabeth Kingston, Executive Director of Kingston Human Capital, in Brisbane.
Elizabeth had the smarts to know that the multi-listed job order fiasco was costing her time, money and frustration. She also had the gumption to act on the idea of selling exclusivity, and pushing it through her entire business. (She also had the kindness and manners to write me a note saying ‘thanks’, but that’s an aside)
The point is she got great outcomes from taking a stance where her team only accepted retained and exclusive work from their clients.
They self-disrupted. They made a change. They took action. They wanted to get paid more often for the work that they do!
I absolute love her courage, and the results.
But let Elizabeth explain for herself.
Hi Greg
Hope you are keeping well.
Before we close out the year, I needed to email you and thank you.
Eons ago you posted about contingent work.
Since that post, I’ve re-engineered our offering.
We’re only taking exclusive or retained work on our perm desks… (with a few exceptions that I need to tighten up)
You know what?
– Our permanent desks are more profitable
– Our conversion rates are so much better
– My consultants are less stressed, because they are spending time on the roles that truly deserve their attention
– Our Clients are thrilled with the service.
– Our costs per project is down
– And there is a tangible increase in the level of self-respect my consultants have.
So, thanks for the light bulb moment.
After all, you don’t ask three accountants to do your BAS do you?
So from my heart to yours.
Thanks for being the catalyst to one of the best decisions we’ve taken this year.
Have an awesome Christmas.
Looking forward to what you release next year.
Elizabeth Kingston
For what its worth I did exactly what Elizabeth did with Aquent nine years ago. The results were very similar.
We can’t allow ourselves to continue to be sucked into this farcical dysfunction that is contingent, multi-listed recruitment. We have to get paid more often for the work we do.
And by the way, that means exclusive candidates too, when we can.
Are you ready to be brave?
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Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash
- Posted by Greg Savage
- On April 10, 2018