Beware the recruitment ‘Valley of Death’!
The candidate shortage is well documented.
The follow-on effects of changing candidate behaviour, ghosting and counteroffers are almost universal, and I have addressed them several times. You are facing it too, every day.
Recruiters must change their inputs if they want to change the outputs.
That means doubling down on questioning, relationship-building, avoiding assumptions and managing the key ‘moments of truth’.
But now, you need to take it to the next level.
The Valley of Death just got deeper and far more dangerous.
The Valley of Death?
That period between job acceptance and the moment your candidate puts their delicate derriere in your client’s seat.
That is the Valley of Death.
You DO know things can go wrong in that twilight zone?
Sure, I know you do. You are a recruiter, and which recruiter doesn’t have a heartbreaking ‘Valley of Death’ tragedy to tell?
But that was then.
Now it’s a hundredfold worse.
The VOD is now a veritable minefield of potential missteps, disappointments, disappearing acts and a dozen other pitfalls besides.
You need to mitigate the risk by managing this gigantic recruiting ‘moment of truth’.
Have a close read of my flow chart. Salvation lies within.
These are the minimum 19 steps required to navigate through the VOD, each one crucial to ensure the successful implementation of the next one.
The good news is that I have prepared a comprehensive video explaining this entire process and how to implement these steps effectively.
The video is one of the regular content updates on The Savage Recruitment Academy this quarter. You might want to join our 200 subscribers to get that video segment, and much more
To get through the VOD you never make any assumptions!
Check-in, calibrate, test, double-back and check again
Many, many ‘placements’ have perished in that deadly valley. Save yours.
Photo by Vincent M.A. Janssen from Pexels
- Posted by Greg Savage
- On August 10, 2021
- 0 Comment