This is how to fill more jobs
You can’t fill your jobs and it’s all because of ‘no candidates‘, right?
It is also because you need to coach your clients on how to recruit in this market.
This is a key recruiting skill right now.
Start here
(Click on video)
It is all in the video, but here is the short version;
- Some employers still have not fully grasped that the boot is on the other foot!
- The client is not calling the shots.
- Clients must get better at selling their companies and selling their jobs.
- Employers must articulate their culture and why they are an excellent place to work.
- Must be very clear when communicating flexibility arrangements and support.
- Candidates have a choice!
- Clients must speed up the process.
The guiding light for every employer should be this question;
“Why should this candidate work for you?”
- Posted by Greg Savage
- On April 4, 2022
- 1 Comment
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