Recruiters. 5% better, 50% more
Recruiters, this is so important.
You only need to get 5% better to bill 50% more.
Roll that around on your tongue and let it sink in.
It sounds so illogical. But it is not.
The real value you bring to recruitment is your influencing skills. Pretty much all the rest can and will get automated. The bit that counts is your ability to connect, engage, question, understand and influence the outcome.
For example, through your credibility, knowledge, and communication skills, you encourage a candidate to chat with you, consider your role and then go for the interview. Get 5% better at that, and you will get ten more great candidates a year in front of good clients.
Half of them will be hired. How much money is that?
The client is taking eons between the first and second interviews and is losing all the good talent, but she just can’t see that she is the problem. So, you meet with her, talk her through the realities of a candidate-tight market and tell great anecdotes about how innovative companies are capturing the best talent. Finally, your client sees the light, takes your advice, ups her game, and starts to hire!
Get 5% better at that conversation.
Being brave enough and articulate enough to have that conversation will lead to multiple happy matches that would otherwise have gone begging.
Candidate outreach and client process management are just two of the many ‘moments of truth’ in recruitment in which your credibility, advice and influencing skills can make all the difference.
Taking a job order. Briefing a candidate on a role. Debriefing the client on the candidates after an interview. Presenting a shortlist to a client. The job offer itself. There are many. (All covered in detail in my new book!).
It has sold over 5,000 copies in its first eight weeks of release. Get your copy
These moments differentiate average recruiters from good ones and good recruiters from great ones. Not searching the database, running an ad, or even screening – essential they are, but they are not the leverage point!
You need to keep working incrementally at improving all these moments of truth in recruitment, these critical snapshots of time in which you can influence the outcome for the greater good – shape the process, and architect the deal. Moments in which your credibility, consulting, advising, storytelling, persuading and influencing skills can make all the difference. It’s in these moments that the magic happens.
A good recruiter knows when their skills create a beneficial outcome. The feeling is indescribable. It is where all the fun in this business is. And, when you are having fun in recruitment, your clients and candidates get what they came to you for, and then the money just follows.
Think about that previous paragraph. It is smarter than it sounds.
Get 5% better.
When you have done that, get 5% better again.
Learn more via the Savage Recruitment Academy.
- Posted by Greg Savage
- On September 18, 2023
- 0 Comment